
Posts Tagged ‘marriage’

I don’t care if my engagement ring is cubic zirconia.

In a heated, yet still friendly exchange one Friday night this winter, one of my girlfriends told a table of margarita-drinkin’, enchilda-eatin’ Kellogg students that she wouldn’t care if her boyfriend proposed to her with a ring of genu-wine cubic zirconia.

“What?? Are you serious?”

“Yeah,” she said. “I mean, if he was investing the money somewhere else, like real estate or something, I would totally be all for that.”

“Shut up. You would care. You would wear a fake diamond? Why not a semi-precious stone, like an emerald, or a ruby or something?”

“No, I really wouldn’t care. Really. I swear.”

One guy at the table totally backed her up, which made me think it might be a gender thing, arguing that he wouldn’t personally propose with CZ because his wife would have killed him. But if the woman had been okay with it, he probably would have too. On the other hand, some of the other guys at the table were like, “Noooo way. Too embarrassing.”

Historical note: I did learn this winter in my marketing strategy class that the whole diamonds-as-a-symbol-of-love is a manufactured concept, originated by DeBeers mid-century when no one was buying diamonds.

Even still, I think I’d be very unhappy to receive cubic zirconia. I’d much rather a semi-precious stone, or seriously, no stone at all, if it came down to finances and investing that same amount of money elsewhere.

Where do you weigh in on this? Rock or no rock?

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I don’t care about engagement stories.

Surprising conversation with a very reasonable and awesome friend of mine:

Her: “I like your blog. I totally care about service in a restaurant. But you know what I don’t care about?”

Me: “No. Tell me.”

Her: “People’s proposal stories.”

Me: “What? Really?? You don’t mean that. I mean, what do you mean?”

Her: “I don’t know! Like, when someone gets engaged, people are all, ‘How did he do it?’ …But that’s not the first question I’d ask.”

Me: “So what’s the first question you’d ask?”

Her: “Are you sure you want to get married?”

Personally, I love proposal stories. I think if he did it on a rocky bluff, or in a Tiffany’s store, or in a decorative garden sculpture at the Palace of Versailles, that it is wonderful and awesome. And it tells me more about you as a couple, which I like.

I know, you didn’t think I was this cheesy, but it’s out there now.

I do assume, however, that by the time you get engaged, you both think it is a good idea. I also assume that I have heard about your significant other before, and that I have reasonable reason to believe you like them. All those requirements being satisfied…tell me how you got engaged! I want to know! yay.

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